Life has its own way of teaching us valuable lessons. These happen when you least expect them to. so Expect the Unexpected.....

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I have been reading lots of books lately and the words below are some my own and some inspiration from the great writers.
We are what out thoughts make us. Take a similie of our bath tub. When we even kick it lightly, ripples are formed. These ripples travel outside and disappear.... or do they??? I think not. The ripples have left a mark in the bath tub and don't disappear. They have done their work. Similarly out thoughts affect us and even though we forget after sometime, the thoughts have ingrained an impression on our subconscious mind. This sum total of impressions form our character. Good or Bad..... you have to decide. If a man continuously hears bad works, sees bad things, thinks bad thoughts - he cant help but be bad!!! He becomes a machine in the hands of these impressions and these drives him towards his downfall. Similarly A man of good character would have a sense of peace and serenity and would rise to the top in life. His thoughts and actions would bring goodness not only to him and his family but also to the world at large. He would be in control of Indriyas and would never be in any danger. He could be placed in the most evil surroundings and still he would remain unperturbed. Because he knows that it is God's hands that his guiding his destiny and journey. I would dwelve on this topic subsequently in my next write up.

We read in Bhagwat Gita that we all must work incessantly and be non attached to the consequences. All work by nature is composed of good and evil and thus there is no work that would be completely good or completely evil. Still we should work incessantly. Remember that you are in this world to educate your soul and the work you do is to enlighten your soul. God has given you all the prowess to do so. It could be through work, prayers, meditation or any other means. There is no single path and it can be a mix of all these paths. All the paths have one thing in common. They lead to God when we perform the work due to our love for it. When you work wth love, it makes you a master. You feel liberated. Dedicate everything you do, every result you get to God and thank him for providing you this opportunity. This is the only way you would be non attached to your work - you would love it and still feel free. Attachment comes when you expect a return, and when you dedicate everything to God - where is the question of expecting something in return You already know that His great mercy would always be there for you.

We had a CEO forum where Tata Steel CEO Mr Muthuraman came to address us. His story is amazing. When he joined Tata Steel, he was not promoted for 12 years!!! He still worked incessantly, giving his best to all the projects and in effect develop an understanding of the business. He didnt work because he wanted to be a CEO (a goal most of us nourish, without having/developing capability for it), he worked because he loved to. And today he is the CEO / MD of the 5th largest steel company (Tata steel - Corus). His love to work for work has paid him rich dividends.

Remember, there is no greater holdback for you other than fear - lot of us try and hide from our fears, hoping that they would vanish. Its not true. Fears never go away and they longer the linger, the stonger they become. They feed on us, our strength and intelligence. And its your choice when do you ant to confront. You choose to see the rose or its thorns, similarly you choose how to react to situations and combat fear. There is no sin in you, no misery in you, you are a reservoir of omnipotent power. Arise, awake and manifest the Divinity within. The question that arises is that when everything is written (Maktub!!!) how do we make choices? Take an analogy of a film - God is director and We are actors. An actor has a role defined - just like the path we have to follow is written; Now if the actor puts his heart into his role it is a wonderful act; similarly we choose to put our hearts in our work, relationships and family and when we do so everything turns out beautiful. The choice is in travelling the path, full of zest and energy. The choice is in the execution of the script of life.


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